At the end of 2019  and after 10 years in business, I decided to take on another stylist so as many people as possible can benefit from my process and to give me time to work on a very special project to be launched soon! So you can get to know Sophia Bassé and what makes her sartorial heart tick, I decided to catch up with her to ask her some questions about her life in Fashion. 

PB: When did your love for fashion properly start? 

SB: about 9 years ago, when I wasn’t happy where I currently was (studying law). I always knew, I wanted to help people do things better, more easily and had talent with clothes so I simply asked myself, "what do I really love" And here I am, almost 10 years later… there is no going back!!

PB: That is very similar to me, I was working in media but my heart has always been in Image. As I approached my 30th birthday, I thought it is now or never! I knew it was time to start following my true ambition. 

What is the worst fashion mistake you ever made? 

SB: I don’t believe in fashion mistakes, as fashion should be a fun way to express yourself however the biggest fashion mistake we could all experiment and want to avoid is to look in the mirror and see someone else.

PB: Very pragmatic! It’s a classic mistake that everyone makes: they buy something because it looks great on their friend/sister, they get it home and realise it doesn't look as good as they hoped. It is good to appreciate someone’s style, be honest about whether it will work for you and if not, move on. 

Who was the first person whose style you idolised? 

SB: Obviously my mum! From going through the contents of her wardrobe to her makeup bag, my mum has made an impact on what I wear today.

PB: Well you are French so it is in your DNA! 

What is your first fashion memory? 

SB: Going through my mum’s wardrobe, putting some outfits together and organising a mini fashion show for her.

PB: I can just imagine you doing that! Most of my memories as a child revolve around what I was wearing… or wasn’t for that matter. My mum would always dress my sister in pink and me in blue which I hated! I think that is why as a 40 year old I still can’t get away from wearing pink! 

What is the best style advice you've ever been given? 

SB: Be yourself, do not put your style or personality in boxes for others

PB: So true. Your style is such a great way to express your authenticity and show the world what you stand for. 

The best style advice you can give is…

SB: Confidence and a smile are your most fabulous accessories.

PB: There is nothing more magnetic than confidence. You have also reminded me of another fashion influence from my childhood, Annie the movie… “ You are never fully dressed without a smile!”. Pale Blue and orange red is still one of my favourite colour combinations. 

What was your first designer purchase? 

SB: A vintage Louis Vuitton Noe bag in red epi leather, which I proudly bought with my first summer job's salary.

PB: Mine was also a bag. It was a Gucci bag from the Tom Ford era that featured in the AW campaign in 1999. And I still use it today! 

What was your best bargain ever? 

SB: My brand new J.W Anderson pierced bag bought second hand for £300 instead of £1050.

PB: I love that bag… and I have a little crush on Jonathan too! 

When did you develop your personal style? 

SB: Moving to London 7 years ago. Coming from a small town in the south of France, I then discovered a whole new level of fashion, (open-minded, extravagant and fear-less) which allowed me to affirm my style and be more confident.

PB: London is so incredible like that. I am endlessly inspired by this city and it’s creativity. 

What is your most worn item of clothing?  

SB: A blazer, which, to me, is the most versatile jacket you can own. It will take you from desk to drinks to weddings and much more…

PB: I only really started to appreciate the blazer when I moved to London. Over a dress, layered under a coat, it is the ultimate wardrobe hero. 

What is the most extravagant thing you’ve ever bought? 

SB: A leopard print rain mac, which makes me feel super sassy every time I wear it.

PB: You look great in leopard. I spent the most money on a shearling coat and in terms of cost per wear it is basically free now. 

What is your shopping philosophy?

SB: Buy less, choose well, make it last.

PB: Absolutely. I think this is a skill that takes effort, consideration and patience. And that’s why our clients hire us to help them achieve just that, a thoughtful and curated wardrobe they love. 

What is your favourite era for style? 

SB: The 80s/90s as they encompassed an era of power dressing, women adopting menswear styles in a feminine interpretation. Shoulder pads, oversized blazer, high waisted denim…

PB: As a child of the 80s, I feel like it is the decade that fashion forgot. But I love Isabel Marant and her modern interpretation makes me want to dip my toe but into that era. 

Who would you swap wardrobes with? 

SB: Lady Di, who, to me, was the perfect interpretation of the 80/90s fashion era.

PB: She was a renegade. I’ll take Grace Kelly’s wardrobe in High Society. Wide sleeves, high waisted trousers, drape and tulle. LOVE. 

To work with Sophia, contact me here