One of my favourite quotes on personal branding is from Jeff Bezos CEO and founder of Amazon “Your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room”. Your personal brand is what makes you unique and authentic. But are you standing out for the right reasons? 

A few weeks ago I was asked to comment on the national radio station, TALK radio, about Boris Johnson’s image and his controversial new hair cut (you can listen below). When Boris was running for London Mayor, his mad, feathery blonde hair made him standout out and even helped him to appear more approachable. But now that he finds himself in the formidable role of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, representing the UK in all foreign matters, is his personal brand representative of his gravitas and effectively communicating his sense of quality and professionalism, or does it just say ‘cultivated chaos’?

What impression are you making on people with whom you meet and work every day? We are all really busy and we rely on instant information - you have made an impression on someone before you utter a word. So look the part. Be dressed in what is appropriate for your profession and the environment you are in whether it be a formal meeting, a networking lunch or client pitch. 

Maybe, like Boris you find yourself in a more senior role within your company but you want to dress with more impact and to influence people or maybe you recognise some of these scenarios below...

You have been in your current position for too long whilst other people are being promoted around you. You feel stymied in your career. 

Ask yourself - is your personal brand representative of your career objectives, future goals and what you're capable of being? 

Top Tip - People grow and evolve and so should you style. If your current look isn’t working for you, you are sending the wrong messages to your colleagues. You need to look as fresh as your ideas, updating your look communicates that you are current, up to date and that you have your finger on the pulse of what your company and clients need. 

You are very good at your job and your position in your company reflects that. But when it comes to socialising and networking outside of work you feel completely out of your depth and it shows!

Ask yourself - how effectively do you network? Do you come across as approachable and engaging or do you struggle to keep peoples attention. 

Top Tip - colour psychology plays a significant part here. Avoid intimidating high contrast combinations that keep you in work mode and opt for lighter more approachable colours. Your clothes can be a great talking point, - an interesting pocket square or a great piece of jewellery can be a conversation starter. 

If you relate to any of these scenarios stop putting your image to the bottom of your ’to do list’. Having a professional to guide you through the minefield of what to wear will help you maximise your impact and help you to enjoy your life! So get in touch! 

Penny x