When I’m editing a client’s wardrobe and we decide an item has to go, even though they know it is the right decision, I always see a flash of frustration on their face. There is nothing more annoying than spending money on an item that never sees that light of day. Your hard-earned cash should be spent on items that fit in your existing wardrobe and will give you enjoyment for sometime. I always endeavour to learn from mistakes and to help my clients learn from theirs so it’s time to think about your shopping habits and why you are wasting money by not shopping smarter. 

Not wearing an item immediately

If your anything like me you have a wish list as long as your arm so it's important to prioritise it by putting those items with more wearability at the top of you list. What can you buy now that will instantly transform you wardrobe and make it more functional?

Not outfitting an item 3 ways

I’m amazed at how many clients tell me that they don’t try on items they have bought with existing pieces in their wardrobe. You will shop smarter if you know HOW you can wear a item with the clothes you already have. It will keep you focused and stop you from impulse purchasing. 

Not understanding YOUR Personal style

Buying an item because it is on trend or it looked good on your sister/friend/colleague is never going to result in a good purchase. I’m a big fan of experimenting and I am always coxing my clients into trying something different but it is always within what will suit them, their lifestyle and their style preference. Promote consistency in your wardrobe by shopping for your personal style. 

Not Shopping Around

There are always deals to be had - whether its free shipping or 10% off by signing up to a loyalty programme. If you are investing in an item, it is worth researching before you hand over your money. I often find that international websites or department stores will price an item differently than a stand alone store. 

I know how overwhelming shopping can be so if you would like help updating your wardrobe and learn lots of tips on the way then get in touch

Penny Bennett is a Personal Stylist, Personal Shopper and Image Consultant covering London and the UK that will change how you feel about your wardrobe forever.